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Song Name: Dhana Mor Nityananda

Official Name: Swa Nistha

Author:  Narottama Dasa Thakura

Book Name: Prarthana


dhana mor nityānanda, pati mor gaura-candra,

prāṇa mor yugala-kiśor

advaita ācārya bala, gadādhar mor kula,

narahari vilāsa-i mor


vaiṣṇaver pada-dhūli, tāhe mor snāna-keli,

tarpaṇa mor vaiṣṇaver nāma

vicār koriyā mane, bhakti-rasa āsvādane,

madhyastha śrī-bhāgavata purāṇa


vaiṣṇaver ucchiṣṭha, tāhe mor mana niṣṭha,

vaiṣṇaver nāmete ullās

vṛndāvane cabutārā, tāhe mor mana gherā,

kohe dīna narottam dās


1) Lord Nityananda is my wealth.  Lord Gauracandra is my master.  The youthful Divine Couple is my life.  Advaita Acarya is my strength. Gadadhara is my family.  Narahari Sarakara is my glory.

2) The dust of the devotees' lotus feet is my bathing water.  The chanting of the devotees names is my satisfaction.  Considering the merits of all Vedic literatures in the light of devotional service, I have concluded that the Srimad Bhagavatam is the best of all scriptures.

3) My mind is firmly convinced of the spiritual benefit obtained by eating the remnants of foodstuff left by the devotees.  The names of the devotees are my happiness.  The land of Vrndavana is the enclosure within which I keep my mind.  Poor-hearted Narottama dasa speaks in this way.

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